Robert COBB
1750 - 24 FEB 1823
Personal Information
- BIRTH: 1750, Halifax, Virginia, USA
- WILL: 29 AUG 1821, Halifax, Virginia, USA
- DEATH: 24 FEB 1823, Halifax, Virginia, USA
A veteran of the American Revolution, he was born and lived his entire life in Halifax County, Virginia. However, most of his children eventually removed to Giles County, Tennessee.
This instument was proved on 24 February 1823, indicating he had died in the interim period.
Last Will & Testament of Robert Cobbs
I, Robert Cobbs of Halifax County and State of Virginia being old and infirm and consequently weak of body but of sound mind and memory thanks be to God for the same, do make this my last will and testament in the following manner, viz, First my will and desire is that all my just debts be punctually paid by my executor to be named. I have heretofore given to each of my children, namely Ambrose Cobb, Robert Cobb, John Cobb, Hannah and Sarah Tucker, and Elizabeth Cobb, as much of my Estate as I am able to give them. My estate that may be remaining in my possession at the time of my death or my ----------- I give to my beloved wife Catharine Cobb to dispose of as she thinks------------- . I lend to my wife Catharine during her natural lifethe tract of land and plantation whereon I now life and at her death Igive the same to my daughter Catharine Couneleh to her and her heirsforever. My desire is that my estate may be ----------..
Lastly I nominate and appoint my friend William Syanor (Saynor) Executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others by me made.
I have set my hand and seal this 29th day August 1821.
Signed Sealed and Acknowledged in presence of
Benjamin Lax
William Pringle
Robert Cobbs SL (?)
John Lax (his mark)
(This Will was proved 24 Feb 1823.)
At a court held for Halifax County the 26th July 1823 the last will and testament of Robert Cobbs deceased was ------- by the oaths of these witnesses thereto subscribed and ------ to be recorded.
Teste Samuel Williams
Family 1