Ephraim C. COBB
1845 - 26 SEP 1864
Personal Information
- BIRTH: 1845, Tennessee, USA
- DEATH: Andersonville Prison
26 SEP 1864, Sumter, Georgia, USA
Officer's Affidavit to Death of Soldier. " State of Iowa - Lee County- On this 25th day of June 1866, before me Charles Doerr, Clerk of the District Court in and for the County and State above named, personally appeared William Wilson to me known as a credible person, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he was Captain of Company C of the 3rd Regiment of Iowa Calvary Volunteers, and was acquainted with Ephraim Cobb who was a member of said Company, and was mustered into service as a Private on or about the 29th day of February 1864, at Keokuk Iowa in Co. C, 3rd Regiment of Iowa Cavalry Volunteers, to serve three years or during the war, and died on or about the 26th day of September 1864, at Andersonville Ga. Rebel Prison. That the disease or wounds of which the said Ephraim Cobb died were Diarrhea Chronic and were received or contracted while he was in the service of the United States and in the line of duty as a soldier; to wit; at Andersonville on or about the date after he was captured ~Ripley (MS) 11th day of June 1864. That the facts stated in this affidavit respecting the service, and cause of the soldier's death, are derived from personal knowledge, and that he has not interest in the claim for a pension for which this affidavit is required. Wm. Wilson Late Capt. Co. "C" 3d Iowa Cav. Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year first above written, and I certify that I have no interest direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim. Charles Doerr Clerk D.C. Lee Co. Iowa."