Husband: Ambrose COBBS Jr.
- MARRIAGE: 18 APR 1625, Norton, Kent, England
In 1633, Ambrose and Ann sold their lands in England, possibly as the preliminary preparation for their immigration to the Virginia Colony. It is believed they made the voyage in 1635, most likely landing at Jamestown. Their party consisted of Ambrose and Ann; children Ambrose, Robert, and Margaret; and Richard Barker, Hugh Barker, and Thomas Harding. It is not known positively, but probably safe to assume, that the latter three men had indentured themselves to Ambrose, in order to gain free passage to the New World. It is known that under the Land Grant laws of the day, Ambrose as a "Headright" was entitled to 50 acres of land for each person for whom he had paid the transportation charges to Virginia.
Robert David COBBS Sr. #20363
Ambrose COBBS III #20372
Jane COBBS #20373
Margaret COBBS #20374
Thomas COBBS #20375
Ambrose COBBS #20378