1670 - 14 NOV 1722
Personal Information
- BIRTH: 1670, Virginia, USA
- DEATH: 14 NOV 1722, Stafford, Virginia, USA
Historians generally agree that six Ball brothers came to America on the ship Planter to escape the fury of Cromwell after their loyalty to the Stuart kings was discovered.
Will of John Ball
In the name of God Amen: I John Ball of the County of Stafford and in the Parish of Overwharton being sick and weak but blessed be God in my perfect senses Do ordain this my last Will & Testament revoking and disnulling all other will or wills heretofore made by me or intended to be made in manner and form as followeth, first I resign my soul to Almighty God who gave me, and hope that through Merits Death and passion of my dear Saviour Jesus Christ hope for full pardon and remission of all my sins and hope that I shall meet my Blessed Saviour in a Joyful Resurrection at the last Day. Next I desire my Body to the Earth from whence it came to be decently buried by my executrix hereafter named.
Item: I give and bequeath to my well beloved son James Ball that plantation where he now dwells and as much of that tract of land joining at both ends of the said plantation as shall make the quantity of one hundred acres to him and his heirs lawfully begotten for ever, but in default of such heirs then to fall to the next male heir of the kin for ever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my youngest son George Ball all the reversion of that tract of land situate lying and being the remaining part of that tract of land that James Ball hath one Hundred acres with the old plantation the remainder of the said tract lying eastward from the said plantation which I give to George Ball all that remaining part aforesaid with the two plantations that is upon the said land to him the said George Ball and to his heirs lawfully begotten by him for ever and in default of such heirs then to the next male heirs for ever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son Moses Ball all that land and plantation and Water Mill that belongeth to me on the North Side of Great Hunting Creek to him and his heirs lawfully begotten and in default of such heirs, that then to fall to the next male heirs for ever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son John Ball my own dwelling plantation and all the land that lyeth on the south side of Great Hunting Creek belonging to me, all the said land and plantation I do give it my said son John Ball to his heirs lawfully begotten for ever and in default of such heirs then to fall to his brother Moses and to his heirs lawfully begotten and if in default of such heirs then to the next male heirs for ever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Ball all that tract of land lying on the south side of Doegg's Run and adjoining Col. George Masons containing three hundred acres the land I give unto her and her heirs lawfully begotten of her Body for ever but if in default of such heirs then to fall to her brother James Ball to him and his heirs for ever.
Item: I give one cow and calf and one feather bed and Iron Pott which is all I give unto my daughter Mary Ball of my estate whatsoever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Dinah Ball all that tract of land lying on the south side of Doegg's Run joining on Richard Carpenters and called Barneby, the said land I give to her and her heirs lawfully begotten of her body for ever but in default of such heirs that then to fall to her sister Martha Ball to her and her heirs for ever.
Item: I give to my daughters Martha Ball & Ann Ball all that Tract of land lying situate and being on both sides of Piney Branch containing Five Hundred Ninety-five acres equally to be divided between my two daughters Martha & Ann and to their heirs lawfully begotten of their bodys for ever but if in default of such heirs that then to fall to the next male heir.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son James Ball once case of Pistols & Holsters it being all that I design that he shall have of my estate with the land before mentioned to cutting him off from all ye rest.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife all my Estate but what is already given, after all my honest and lawful debts be paid, to which all my stock of cattle and all my stock of horses and mares and all my household stuff of what sort soever and all my Tobacco both at home and abroad and all my debts both of Tobacco and Moneys belonging to or appeartaining to me, as witness my hand and seal this 14th of August in the year of our Lord 1722. I doe appoint my loving and dear wife Winifred Ball my lawfull and whole executrix of this my last Will and Testament and I do desire Captain Simon Pierson may assist my wife in her Executorship.
JOHN BALL (seal)
Signed and sealed in the presence of us
Will probated November 14, 1722 and recorded in Will Book K, page 35, Stafford County, Virginia. The will was copied in the early 1800s and is among family papers. [The Will Book was lost during the Civil War.]
Family 1