A Family Genealogy of
the Gentle House of Stapleton
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Index of Persons

William John TULLY (21 APR 1845 - 11 APR 1929)
Sarah A. TUMLIN (1836 - 1905)
Nancy TUNE (____ - ____)
Sarah TUNE (____ - ____)
Lynette TUNELL (31 JAN 1935 - 8 JAN 1996)
Clarabelle TUNNELL (16 JAN 1912 - 9 JUN 1969)
Edith Emily TUNNELL (4 NOV 1907 - 12 OCT 1976)
Elinora May TUNNELL (29 AUG 1909 - 2 OCT 1981)
Elizabeth TUNNELL (9 OCT 1756 - 19 MAR 1835)
Frederick Ellis TUNNELL (17 NOV 1898 - 23 NOV 1955)
Frederick Irving TUNNELL (23 AUG 1874 - 1957)
Grace Louise TUNNELL (1902 - 18 OCT 1985)
Josephine TUNNELL (5 MAR 1900 - 16 FEB 1987)
Leslie George TUNNELL (18 OCT 1904 - 7 MAR 1988)
William TUNNELL (____ - ____)
Lida TUNSTALL (1868 - ____)
Martha TUNSTALL (____ - ____)
George TURBERVILLE IV (1638 - ABT 1659)
John TURBERVILLE (1650 - 1728)
Sarah Jane TURK (1805 - 1903)
Elizabeth TURLEY (1732 - 1799)
Andrew TURNBULL (____ - ____)
Margaret Stephenson TURNBULL (____ - ____)
Robert James TURNBULL (JAN 1775 - 15 JUN 1833)

UP (Lillie Faye TUCKER - Isaac Janse de Wever VAN ALSTYNE )
BACK (Woodford A TUCKER - Willard J. TULLY )
NEXT (Robert James TURNBULL Jr - Hazel Opal TURNER )