A Family Genealogy of
the Gentle House of Stapleton
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Index of Persons

Robert I ARTOIS (Count of Artois) -- to -- Agnes of ASCANIA
Agnes of ASCANIA -- to -- Albert II ASCANIA (Margrave of Brandenburg)
Albert II ASCANIA (Duke of Saxony) -- to -- Anna Emilie of ASCANIA
Anna Luise Marie Friederike Elisabeth Alice of ASCANIA -- to -- Antoinette of ASCANIA
Aribert Joseph Alexander ASCANIA (Prince of Anhalt) -- to -- Bernhard I ASCANIA
Bernhard II ASCANIA (Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg, Count of Bernburg) -- to -- Christian ASCANIA
Christian ASCANIA (Hereditary Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg) -- to -- Dorothea of ASCANIA
Dorothea of ASCANIA -- to -- Elisabeth of ASCANIA
Elisabeth of ASCANIA -- to -- Eric V ASCANIA
Ernest ASCANIA -- to -- Franics Louis ASCANIA
Franz ASCANIA -- to -- Frederick Henry Leopold Albert ASCANIA
Frederick Henry William ASCANIA -- to -- Gisela Auguste of ASCANIA
Gisela Henriette of ASCANIA -- to -- Henry ASCANIA
Henry ASCANIA -- to -- Joachim Ernest ASCANIA (Hereditary Prince of Anhalt-Dessau)
Joachim Ernest ASCANIA -- to -- John George ASCANIA
John George Henry ASCANIA -- to -- Judith of ASCANIA
Judith of ASCANIA -- to -- Konstanze of ASCANIA (Sister in Coswig)
Kunigunde Juliane of ASCANIA -- to -- Louise Amöena of ASCANIA
Louise Amalie of ASCANIA -- to -- Margaret of ASCANIA
Margaret of ASCANIA -- to -- Matilda of ASCANIA
Matilda of ASCANIA -- to -- Otto III ASCANIA (Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg)
Otto IV ASCANIA (Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg) -- to -- Sibylle Hedwig of ASCANIA
Sidgfried ASCANIA (Count of Weimar-Orlamünde, Count Palatine of the Rhine) -- to -- Sophia of ASCANIA

UP (Ælfgith the Younger - Emma Ann COBB )
BACK (Margarete of ANJOU-SICILY - Robert ARTOIS )
NEXT (Sophia of ASCANIA - Eleanor AYLESBURY )