A Family Genealogy of
the Gentle House of Stapleton

Moses BALL


22 DEC 1768 - 9 JUL 1840

  • BIRTH: 22 DEC 1768, New Garden, Russell, Virginia, USA
  • BURIAL: Rose Hill, Lee, Virginia, USA
  • DEATH: Chadwell Station
    9 JUL 1840, Lee, Virginia, USA
  • REFERENCE: 18287
Father: George BALL
Mother: Kezziah Ann HANSON

Family 1 : Elizabeth YEARY
  • MARRIAGE: 17 FEB 1789, Lee, Virginia, USA
  1. +James Samuel BALL Sr.
  2.  Nancy BALL
  3.  Elizabeth BALL
  4. +Moses BALL Jr.
  5.  Mary BALL
  6.  William BALL
  7.  Kezziah BALL
  8.  Matilda BALL
  9.  Thomas BALL
  10.  Spencer BALL
  11.  Louisana BALL
  12.  George Washington BALL
                                             _Richard BALL _______+
                                            | (1602 - 1677) m 1649
                       _John BALL __________|
                      | (1670 - 1722) m 1714|
                      |                     |_Elizabeth LINTON ___+
                      |                       (1651 - 1674) m 1649
 _George BALL ________|
| (1720 - 1801) m 1749|
|                     |                      _William WILLIAMS ___
|                     |                     | (1650 - 1703)       
|                     |_Winifred WILLIAMS __|
|                       (1676 - 1742) m 1714|
|                                           |_Anne HARRISON ______
|                                             (1658 - 1747)       
|--Moses BALL 
|  (1768 - 1840)
|                                            _____________________
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|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Kezziah Ann HANSON _|
  (1725 - 1768) m 1749|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

[N553] Will of Moses Ball

I, Moses Ball, Sr. of the County of Lee and State of Virginia, being weak in body but of sound mind taking into consideration the uncertainty of human life, do make and declare the following to be my last Will and Testament:

To my wife Elizabeth I give such part of my estate real personal as the law may assign her to hold by her upon the terms and conditions prescribed by law.

To my son James in addition to the tract of land heretofore given him valued by me at the sum of five hundred dollars, I give the further sum of five hundred dollars to be paid as hereinafter directed.

To my son Moses in addition to the tract of land heretofore given him valued by me at the sum of one thousand dollars, he having paid me one hundred thereof, I give the further sum of one hundred dollars to be paid as hereinafter directed.

To my daughter Sally Wilson I give the one half of my land lying on the south side of the main road, part of which is now in her possession valued by me at the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, the division line to run a north and south direction as near as may be, under the direction of m y executor that part designed for her to consist of the West end thereof.

To my son Thomas I give the other half of the aforesaid tract of land lying on the south side of the main road valued by me at the sum of one thousand dollars.

To my son George I give the tract of land on which I now reside and on which my dwelling house now stands, consisting of all the land lying on the north side of the main road valued by me at the sum of one thousand dollars.

To my son Spencer I give the sum of one thousand dollars, in manner as hereinafter prescribed, but should he think proper to take any of my land not herein disposed of in law thereof at their proper valuation he is to have the privilege of doing so, and my executors are being hereby authorized to convey the same to him and have the same valued by two disinterested and decent men.

To my daughter Louisiana I give the sum of one thousand dollars including the value of all property heretofore given her to be paid as hereinafter designated.

To my daughter Betsy Brown I give the land heretofore conveyed to her at the value of one thousand dollars.

At the time I purchased jointly with my son-in-law Hiram Ely the tract of land now in his possession, it was my intention to pay to one thousand dollars of the purchase money, it is now my will and request that my executor pay that amount to the persons entitled to receive the same, deducting therefrom such amounts as I have already paid therefor. It is my further will and request that the same tract of land shall go to my daughter Kesiah and her heirs forever. It is my further will and request that all my personal estate including my slaves be valued according to law and an inventory thereof taken by the person appointed to value the same, and out of the property thus valued it is my will and request that all the legacies herein bequeathed be paid in the property valued aforesaid according to such allottment division and arrangements as my executor may determine upon or devise. In order that there may be no misunderstanding or misconception in relation to my wishes and intentions it is my wish and request that each of my heirs account to my executors for all the slaves and other property heretofore given them by me; that a proper value be put upon such slaves and other property by my executors and the amount thereof be deducted from each heir or heirs portion of my personal estate.

It is my further will and request that should my estate fall short of making each heirs portion equal to those that have received the largest amount, that such heir having received such overportion shall refund so as to make all equal. Should there be any of my estate either real or personal left after the payment of the legacies aforesaid, it is my will and request that such property real and personal be divided equally among all my heirs according to the valuation or sold at public auction at the discretion of my executors and the proceeds equally divided among my heirs and that my executors make titles to all the land sold as herein denoted.

To my daughter Matilda I give the sum of one thousand dollars including such amounts as I have heretofore given her to be paid in manner herein before directed.

I hereby appoint William Horskell and my son William Ball executors of this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I do hereby set my hand and affix my seal to these presents this Nineteenth day of September in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty.

Signed sealed and acknowledged Moses Ball (seal)
in the presence of Mackriff
Ramlett, James Fulkerson,
Hiram (X) Hoskins,
David (X) Smith.