A Family Genealogy of
the Gentle House of Stapleton

Thomas COBB Jr


____ - AFT 1528

  • DEATH: AFT 1528 [N2887]
  • REFERENCE: 45372
Father: Thomas COBB

Family 1 : Joan LNU
  1. +James COBB
  2. +Richard COBBES
  3.  Thomas COBB II
  4. +Martin COBB
  5.  Elizabeth COBB
                                              _Edmund COBBES ______+
                                             | (.... - 1418)       
                       _John COBBES _________|
                      | (1401 - 1472) m 1431 |
                      |                      |_____________________
 _Thomas COBB ________|
| (1448 - ....)       |
|                     |                       _____________________
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|                     |_Dionicia BONNINGTON _|
|                       (1418 - 1475) m 1431 |
|                                            |_____________________
|--Thomas COBB Jr
|  (.... - 1528)
|                                             _____________________
|                                            |                     
|                      ______________________|
|                     |                      |
|                     |                      |_____________________
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                      |                       _____________________
                      |                      |                     

[N2886] Thomas built himself a new house in Aldington, known to this day as Cobbe's Hall and it was here that Elizabeth Barton, the Maid of Kent, served as a scullery maid.

Thomas left four sons; Thomas, James of Aldington, Richard of Bilsington and Martin, whose son Thomas went to Chilham.

Consistory Court, Canterbury Register No. 15 Folio 45.

In the name of God Amen

l8th June 1528 Thomas Cobbe of the parish of Aldyngton Kent Gentleman being whole and perfect of remembrance, God be thanked, albeyt sick in body, make my testament and last will in manner and form following. First I bequeath my soul to Almightiful God and the blessed lady St Mary and all the company of heaven and my body to be buried in the church of Aldyngton next to the chancel door. I bequeath to the same church for my lying there 6s and 8d and to the high altar there for my tithes and obligations forgotten or witholden Sh. 2

I bequeath towards the building of a new steeple there 20/- and to the making of a new window in the north side 20/- if the parishioners will make the window but if not the bequest is void.

To the priory of Hortun to be prayed for Sh. 40/-

To the convent of the same place 10/- for to sing a trirtall of masses for my soul and that to be done within a month of my departing.

I give and bequeath to the 12 poorest people of the parish l2d. each, total l2 shillings, To the mending of the way between Fox-wood and Stone hill 6 shillings and 8d. To the high altar of Newchurch for my tythes and obligations forgotten or withholden Sh 2.

To Joan my Wife five of my Keane four quarters of wheat and four quarters of barley, and one half of all my utensils, bedding, brass, pewter, wollen and linen and £6 13 4d of money to be paid to her within 1/2 year of my decease
To my daughter Elizabeth £20 to be paid to her on the day of her marriage
To John Spud a coat and 40d which he borrowed and I parden and forgive. John Dytton 12d and I give him one coat,
To John Harte my best gown save one.
I will have at my burying 43/4 at my month myne £4 and at my year's mynd £4 I will have an obyt for my soul and all Christian souls in Aldington next seven years after my mynd.
To Richard Chyndenden my servant sh. 10/-
To every one of my godchildren who shall ask it 4d..
I will to an honest priest £6 -13 - 4d. to sing for my soul and all my friends souls for one year
I will that my trustee James Blackarlinden, Nicholas Hart and others by me appointed as trustees shall suffer my wife when out of all my lands and tenements 53/4 to be paid at the usual terms of the year.
I will that if my wife is not contented with the portion and vex the executors she shall lose and not have anything and the residue of my goods shackles debts and requests paid and done to her to be held by my executors for the use of my sons.
And I ordain to be my Executors Thomas Cobb my eldest son and Nicholas Hart and I give to the said Nicholas Hart 20/- over and above his reasonable costs and I will that Master Bason Haly be oversear of my Estate.
This is the last will of me the said Thomas Cobb made 20th June in the year above said. 1st I will that Thomas Cobbe, James Cobbe, Richard Cobbe and. Martin Cobb shall have all my lands and tenements in Kent to them and their heirs to be evenly divided when the youngest son Martin shall come to the age of 20 years and in the meantime the income from the lands to be equally divided and if any son dies before Martin becomes 20 then the other sons will divide the deceased son's portion between them.

I will that the said Nicholas Hart shall have one half of the said lands to furnish for the ordering and guiding of my children and the other half to my sons and if it happen that all my said sons die without heirs then I will that all the said lands and tenements be sold by my trustees and the money bestowed on charitable deeds for the good of my soul and for the performing of the will to be paid half from moveable goods and half from my lands and tenements
If it be otherwise ordered then I will that this my testament be void and of no effect and I will that there be made in my new house a chimney

Witnesses ------------
Proved 8th August, 1528?"

From: 'Parishes: Aldington', The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent: Volume 8; 1799; pp. 314-327.
USUALLY called Allington, is the next parish south-westward from Sellindge, being written in the earliest records Ealdintune, which name implies the antiquity of it. The greatest part of it, is in the hundred of Street, and the remainder of it, including the church, in that of Bircholt Franchise.

A younger branch of the family of Cobbe, or Cobbes, as they were originally called, was settled at this place in king Edward IV.'s reign, in the person of Thomas Cobbes, the youngest son of John Cobbes, of Cobbes place, in Newchurch, their mansion here being situated not far from the church, and was called Goldwell. Thomas, son of Thomas above-mentioned, died here in 1528, from whom descended those of this place, Bilsington, Chilham, and other parts. They bore for their arms, Argent, a chevron between three cocks, gules, combed and gilled. At length one of them sold this estate to White, since which it has become but of little account, and is at this time divided into shared, the property of at least twelve different persons

[N2887] He signed his Will on June 20th, which was proved on August 8th indicating he had died in the interim period.