A Family Genealogy of
the Gentle House of Stapleton



____ - BEF 11 FEB 1509

  • WILL: 20 NOV 1508
  • DEATH: BEF 11 FEB 1509, Newchurch, Kent, England
  • REFERENCE: 45414
Father: William COBBES
Mother: Alice CATTS

Family 1 : Benett BREKHELL
  1.  Elizabeth COBBES
  2.  William COBBES
  3.  Thomas COBBES
                                              _Edmund COBBES ______+
                                             | (.... - 1418)       
                       _John COBBES _________|
                      | (1401 - 1472) m 1431 |
                      |                      |_____________________
 _William COBBES _____|
| (1442 - 1507) m 1473|
|                     |                       _____________________
|                     |                      |                     
|                     |_Dionicia BONNINGTON _|
|                       (1418 - 1475) m 1431 |
|                                            |_____________________
|--Robert COBBES 
|  (.... - 1509)
|                                             _____________________
|                                            |                     
|                      ______________________|
|                     |                      |
|                     |                      |_____________________
|                     |                                            
|_Alice CATTS ________|
  (1443 - ....) m 1473|
                      |                       _____________________
                      |                      |                     

[N2898] Kent Archaeological Society; Medieval & Tudor Kent P.C.C. Wills Transcriptions by L.L. Duncan; Book 57, p. 24. Extract of the Last Will & Testament of Robert Cobbes.
"Robert Cobbes of Newchurche, Gent. 20 Sept 1508. To be buried in the church bifore the highe crosse. To the making of a silver crosse in Newchurche aforesaid 100s if the parisshens there ordeyne & bye the same to the value of 20 marcs. To the Crosse light in Newchurche 3s 4d. To the brotherhed of Or Lady there a Kowe yf the brethern & sustern will putt ther money of the same broderyeld into a stokke for to encreasse. To the herse light 20d. An honest preest to syng by the space of oon hole yere in the chapell of Seynt Thomas in Newchurche, 10 marcs.

To Elizabeth my doughter to hir marige 40 marcs. If she dye then between Benett my wif & Thomas Cobbes my son.

To William Cobbes my son £20 when 22 & a pece of silver called a bolle pece, a salte of silver wt a couering parcell gilte & 6 silver sponys wt knopps of wodwoses gilte which pecs my saltes & sponys I will shall remayn in the custody of the forsed Benett during the terme of her life.

To Thomas Cobbes my son £20 when 22 and another bolle pece of silver, a salte of silver wt a couering parcell gilte & 6 spones of silver knopped wh Postells gilte.

To Elizabeth my doughter a pece of silver parcell gilte, a salte of silver parcell gilte, the better of two wtoute covering & a doseyn sponys of silver a gyrdell harneysed wt a demysent of silver & overgilte, a payre of beds of corall gawded wt stones of silver gilte and a ryng of golde callid an hopryng.

To Sr Laurence Snelle, chanon of Bylsington 10s.
To Dame Anne of the Mynster of Shepey doughter of Benett my wif 40s.
To every of my household servants 3s 4d. To Laurence Hunte 3s 4d.
To George Cobbes my broder my blakke gowne furred wt blakke booge.
To Gerveys Cobbes my broder my russet gowne furred wt foxe.
To Edward Cobbes my broder my tawney gowne furred wt shanks.
To Edward Brekhell broder to Benett my wif 20s. Residue to Benett my wif, executrix.
Proved 11 Feb 1509 by executrix."