A Family Genealogy of
the Gentle House of Stapleton
Home :: Database Home > Index of Surnames > Index of Persons > Nualchavee DHEPAVALAYA



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  • REFERENCE: 45650
Family 1 : Frederic COBB
  • MARRIAGE: ABT 1942
  1.  Julia Frederics COBB

[N2974] Nualchavee Dhepavalaya was an educated Singapalese girl of good birth who married Frederic Cobb shortly before the fall of Singapore in 1942. She escaped with her daughter Julia Cobb on 3 February 1942 by boat from Singapore and reached Ceylon. She must have died as a refugee in Ceylon as Julie was found as an orphan by nuns and looked after but this was obviously a very traumatic period for a small girl which may have reflected on her later character.